Tarot Spread
A tarot card s spread is a method by which a tarot card reader physically lays out or places the cards on the table and then interprets the card meanings for the querent. Not only are there many different types of tarot card decks available, there are also many different spreads used by card readers.
Gilbert Baker Pride Flag
1- Hot Pink - Sexuality
2- Red - Life
3- Orange - Healing
4- Yellow - Sunlight
5- Green - Nature
6- Light Blue - Magic
7- Blue - Serenity
8- Purple - Spirit
New Moon in Gemini
1. What intentions do I want to set?
2. Where do I need to work on my communication?
3. Who can I learn more from?
4. When will these skills come in handy next?
Month Ahead Spread
1) What should I focus on this month?
2) What major actions should I take this moment?
3) What energy should I release this month?
4) How should I enjoy myself this month?
Full Moon in Virgo
1. What have you brought to this full moon to heal?
2. What area of your life needs to be organized?
3. How can you stay grounded moving forward?
4. Outcome of this Full Moon in Virgo
What Should I Do?
1) It deals with?
2) It leads to
3) Do this
4) Do Not do this
Hug Spread
1 - Who do I want to hug?
2 - Who wants to hug me?
3 - How do I get them in my arms?
4 - Will this hug lead to something more?
5 - What does this person men to me?
6 - Are we more than friends?
7 - Should I pursue this relationship?
8 - What should I know that I don't about this situation?
Hug Spread
1 - Who do I want to hug?
2 - Who wants to hug me?
3 - How do I get them in my arms?
4 - Will this hug lead to something more?
5 - What does this person men to me?
6 - Are we more than friends?
7 - Should I pursue this relationship?
8 - What should I know that I don't about this situation?
Monday Spread
1) What can I do to motivate myself?
2) How can I overcome any obstacles?
3) How can I remain accountable for my progress today?
Protection Spread
1) Am I open to the influence of others?
2) What energy surrounds me?
3) Is there energy I must be aware of?
4) Who aids me?
5) What protection can I count on?
6) How can I ground myself?
7) What should I do to protect myself?
New Moon in Capricorn
1. What is the cost of ambition?
2. What is the cost of failure?
3. How can I compromise/ take responsibility?
4. What is a new goal to strive for?
5. What resources do I need to access?
Yule Blessing Spread
1) My Night - Shadow self & spiritual matters
2) My Day - External affairs & external self
3) My Fire - creative spark, ambition & motivation
Full Moon in Gemini
1) What old frame of mind or identity am I outgrowing?
2) How to release this a bit more today?
3) The truth I'm reconnecting to?
New Moon in Sagittarius
1. Where are you directing your arrows this new moon?
2. What truths about yourself are you seeking?
3. When to start planning your next big adventure?
4. What higher education should you be pursing?
5. Outcome of this New Moon
New Moon in Scorpio
1. What rebirth would you like to seed this new moon?
2. Best way to reconnect with your passions
3. In what ways have you been self sabotaging
4. How can you be your own cheerleader
5. Outcome of this New Moon in Scorpio
Daily Reading
1) Inspiration for the Day
2) Home Environment
3) Work
4) Personal Relationship
Jack O’ Lantern
1) The heart of the issue
2) The hidden issue
3) The major obstacle
4) The main fear
5) The solution
6) What will happen if you engage the solution
Bad Vibes
1) What exactly am I feeling?
2) How can I help the person/ fix the situation?
3) Who or what is sending these bad vibes?
4) What can I do to protect myself from these bad vibes?
Ancestral Healing
1) An important relationship I have with my ancestral lineage
2) How this relationship affects my life?
3) What I can do to heal my ancestral lineage?
4) What this healing will look like?
5) How I can remain grounded while doing this work?
6) How I can honor my ancestors moving forward?
Healing The Toxic Workplace
1) The root of the problem
2) How your coworkers feel?
3) How you can protect yourself?
4) How you can help others?
5) The general outlook
6) The outcome for you
New Moon in Libra
1. Where in my life would I benefit most from a deeper sense of harmony?
2. How might be evaluating my personal style have a positive impact on my life?
3. How can I create more beauty in my environment?
4. Where would I benefit from a more peaceful approach?
5. How can I bond more strongly with others?
6. What is my true intention in my current or future relationship?
Mabon/ Autumn Spread -
1) What have I planted that will be ready to harvest this season?
2) What can I do now to ensure my most bountiful harvest?
3) What changes should I be preparing for?
4) What must I shed in order to preserve my energy?
5) How can I connect further w/ this season?
Tarot Spread For A Deck You Can't Connect With -
We all have those decks we own but aren't drawn to.
1) Why I have an aversion to the deck?
2) Something I don't understand about this deck?
3) Something this deck can teach me?
4) How I can be more open to using this deck?
5) Will I ever benefit from using this deck?
Let Your Soul Shine
1) You as you are now
2) What's keeping you from being your best?
3) How to overcome it?
4) How you can work toward your goals?
5) How you can care for yourself?
6) How you can care for others?
7) How can care for the world?
Full Moon in Pisces
1) How can I effectively express my emotions?
2) How can I respect the emotions of others?
3) How can I best tap into my intuition?
Going Deeper
What spread have you done recently that you need to go deeper on or revisit.
1) You now
2) Past Influence
3) Unknown Influence
4) Approaching Influence
5) Approaching Energy
6) Outcome
Pet Tarot Spread
1) Your connection to your pet.
2) Why you and your pet were brought together?
3) What your pet loves?
4) What your pet fears?
5) How to help your pet?
6) A message from your pet.
General Life Spread
1) Lesson
2) Mind
3) Body
4) Spirit
5) Friends/Family
6) Romance
7) Career
8) Blessings
Magic Month Ahead
1) What is an important theme in my month ahead?
2) Secret that will unfold this month.
3) A blessing that will appear this month.
4) Where can I look to find magic in my day to day?
5) What can I do to practice my magic this month?
6) How can I build trust in my intuition?
Healthy Boundaries
1) Where am I lacking boundaries?
2) What makes it challenging to set boundaries for me?
3) How can I release, the tendency to take on other's issues/emotions?
4) How can I feel safe setting & enforcing clear boundaries?
5) How can I keep my heart open while being clear about my boundaries w/ others?
Removing the Blinders
1) What am I not seeing in this situation?
2) What impact is this unseen force having on my life right now?
3) Why am I unable to see this?
4) How can I best remove the blinders from my eyes?
5) What benefits will come to me when I can see this clearly.
Divine Guidance - Tarot & Oralce Spread
1) Mindset - Conscious thought
2) Subconscious - Worries, anxieties, fears
3) Past - Has led you to this point
4) Future - What you could achieve
O ) Oracle in the Middle - What you need to know right now
Daily Reading
1) Home Environment
2) Work
3) Personal Relationship
4) General Card of the Day
Virgo Season
1) What is a major theme of Virgo Season for me
2) How will this theme impact me?
3) How can I allow this season to flow?
4) How can I improve my daily routine?
5) A message from my digestive tract
Full Moon in Aquarius
1) What part of myself have I been holding back?
2) What assumption or social norm is getting in my way?
3) What new attitude will propel me bravely forward?
4) How can I begin to express myself more fully?
Exploring A Dream
1) Represents the dream
2) Why this dreams feels so intense?
3) Spiritual meaning of the dream.
4) How this dream connects to the waking life?
5) Something I should remember about the dream
6) Something I should let go of about the dream.
Working with a Deity
1) Why I'm drawn to work w/ a deity?
2) Which deity would be best for me right now?
3) What can I do to honor their energy?
4) How can I demonstrate respect?
5) How will I know when I'm in contact w/ them?
Twin Flame Tarot Spread
1) Current Energy
2) What our purpose is together in this lifetime?
3) An important lesson we must learn in this lifetime
4) How we can grow from this lesson?
5) What our lives look like after completing this lesson?
6) Something we can do to strengthen our bond
7) A way that we can heighten our vibration.
8) Something my twin is mirroring for me
9) What I can do to help my twin reach their highest potential?
Inner Child Spread
1) How do I see myself?
2) How does my inner child see me?
3) How can I be more open & receptive to what my inner child has to say?
4) How can I support my inner child?
5) Healing message from my inner child
Grief Spread
1) Card to represent myself internally right now
2) Card to represent the deceased
3) Card to represent our relationship
4) A lesson the deceased has taught
5) Something that will help move toward closure
6) How I can connect w/ the deceased going forward
7) A message from the deceased
Expected & Unexpected Daily Spread
1) What to Expect?
2) What is Unexpected?
3) Theme of the Day
Low Energy
1) Why do I feel so tired?
2) What is draining my energy?
3) What can I do to make my energy flow again?
Monthly Renewal
1) The energy of this month
2) Something to release
3) Something to re-evaluate
4) Something you've neglected
5) Something to look forward to
6) Something that will help you heal
Your Frequency
1) My current frequency (the energy I'm emitting).
2) What I'm currently attracting w/ my energy?
3) How I can attract more positivity & abundance?
Spiritual Progress Spread
1) Where you are in your spiritual cycle
2) Central cycle lesson
3) Positive Influence
4) Negative Influence
5) Advice
Dream Inspiration Spread
1) Dream's essential theme
2) Why did the dream evoke these feelings?
3) Why is this lingering in my subconscious?
4) Is there a practical action, I should take in responding to the message of the dream?
5) Is there something in the material world that I can birth as a result of this dream?
6) Is any part of this dream prophetic?
7) What truth have I discovered about myself?
Lammas/ Lughnasadh - Herb Garden spread
1) Basil - How do I exercise negativity from my life?
2) Chamomile - What calms me?
3) Yarrow - How can I improve my psychic ability?
4) Parsley - What protects me?
5) Sage - What do I know?
6) Mint - What attracts money?
7) Dill - What provokes lust?
8) Thyme - What healing action should I take?
Triple Goddess Spread
The structure of Maiden, Mother and Crone offers insight at all stages of life.
1) What enchants me?
2) What am I enthusiastic about?
3) What is beginning?
4) What do I know?
5) What has grown?
6) What stirs in me?
7) How am I wise?
What do I understand?
9) What is ending?
Full Moon in Aquarius
1) How can I be of more service to my community?
2) How can I be of more service to the world?
3) How can I be of more service to myself?
Leo Season Spread
1) Card that best describes my currently
2) How I can improve my communication skills?
3) Why I am afraid to show others my "true self"?
4) How I can begin to accept my flaws/ imperfections?
5) Something about me that I don't fully recognize?
6) A way I can practice self-love & treat myself.
Ballerina Spread
1) How am I graceful?
2) How can I care for my body?
3) What should I dedicate myself to?
4) What do I need to focus on right now?
5) What daily practice should I perform?
6) How do I cultivate beauty in life?
7) What stories do I need to pay attention to?
8) What am I creating?
Career Shift Spread
1,2,3 - Cards to represent what I should be doing next as a career
4 - How this career looks day to day
5 - How I can take steps toward making this a reality
6 - Something I need to let go of to be able to move forward.
7 - A way that my life will change when moving toward this career
Checking In w/ Yourself
1) How I'm feeling right now?
2) What can soothe me soul?
3) How I can honor myself today?
4) Something I'm ignoring
5) Something I'm procrastinating
6) Something to be grateful for
Clear My Mind Spread
1) What is weighing heavy on my mind?
2) What is the real issue or situation?
3) Why is the issue or situation dominating my thoughts?
4) What must I do (action to take) to clear my mind?
5) What must I avoid doing when clearing my mind?
6) Give me a final piece of advice on this situation
New Moon In Cancer
1) Where have I been too moody?
2) Where do these emotions stem from?
3) What vulnerabilities must I face?
4) What in my life is needing of my care?
The Lovers - Tarot Spread
1) Where I find balance & support in my life
2) The unique views & beliefs I bring into the world
3) What should I focus on to show myself love
4) I am light & I am dark this card is my balance
Tell Me What You Want
1) You & the state of things
2) What you really want - unconscious desires, wishes & dreams
3) What you can do to make those things happen
4) The outcome for the manifestation of those desires
New Tarot Deck Interview Spread
1) What major lesson are you here to help me learn?
2) Through which divine energy can we best communicate?
3) In what area can you aide me to help others?
4) In what are could your guidance be easily understood?
5) What can I do to keep our communication clear?
6) How can I use your guidance for the highest good?
7) How will I know when we're ready for a new lesson?
Full Moon In Capricorn
1) How I can improve my prosperity right now?
2) What is restricting my prosperity & wealth?
3) What will help me achieve my long term goals?
4) How can I empower myself?
5) What success do I need to acknowledge?
6) A message from the Spirit to help
Unicorn Spread
1) Why you're magical?
2) Why you're rare?
3) How you heal others?
4) What "tames" you?
5) How you transform?
6) The source of your power
New Moon in Gemini
1) Your goal for the moon cycle
2) The flipside of this goal
3) How to communicate your needs effectively to achieve said goal?
4) Where duality will benefit you most?
Summer Fun Spread
1) What trip should I plan?
2) What new thing can I try?
3) How can I attract summer romance?
4) Is there a relationship I should begin
5) Is there a relationship I should let go of?
6) What is the theme of my summer style?
7) Should I pick up a new sport or exercise?
8 ) Is there something I've always wanted to do but haven't done yet?
9) What can I focus on to have the best summer ever?
Bisexual & Pansexual Pride Spread
1) Desire - a desire you wish to explore
2) Love - a love to feed
3) Reclaim - a criticism or attack to reclaim, make main & make powerful
4) Challenge - a pattern to question or challenge
5) Unravel - a toxin to breakdown or dissolve
6) Make News - a generative project. Something stale to re-evision & re-create.
Gilbert Baker Spread
1 - Hot Pink - Sexuality
2 - Red - Life
3 - Orange - Healing
4 - Yellow - Sunlight
5 -Green - Nature
6 - Light Blue - Magic
7 - Blue - Serenity
8 - Purple - Spirit
Progress Pride Spread
1) White - Non Binary Vibes I have
2) Pink - Feminine Vibes I have and where they shine
3) Light Blue - Masculine Vibes I have and where they shine
4) Brown - Inclusion
5) Black - Diversity
6) Red - Life
7) Orange - Healing
8) Yellow - Sunlight
9) Green - Nature
10) Blue - Harmony
11) Purple - Spirit
Progress Pride Spread
1) White - Non Binary Vibes I have
2) Pink - Feminine Vibes I have and where they shine
3) Light Blue - Masculine Vibes I have and where they shine
4) Brown - Inclusion
5) Black - Diversity
6) Red - Life
7) Orange - Healing
8) Yellow - Sunlight
9) Green - Nature
10) Blue - Harmony
11) Purple - Spirit
Mid Year Spread
1) Where have I been successful?
2) What aspects do I need to strengthen?
3) How can I stay on track?
4) What can I look forward to?
New Moon Taurus
1) What do I need to be less stubborn or possessive of?
2) What kind of wealth do I have that I should share more w/ others
3) How can I allow my creative ability to shine during this new moon in Taurus
4) In what area of my life can I expect to see some growth during this New Moon.
Beltane Fire Spread
1) Welcoming - What is getting ready to come into my life at this time?
2) Birthing - What am I ready to bring forth at this time?
3) Gift - Which of my gifts will be most helpful in this matter?
4) Receive - How can I most gratefully accept what's coming?
5) Advice - What other advice would best serve me at this time?
6) Releasing - What can I let go of to benefit from this time of growth?
Full Moon in Scorpio
1) What emotions from the past are coming up?
2) What needs transforming right now?
3) What hidden patterns do I need to release?
4) How can I release these patterns & let them go?
5) How can I tap into Scorpio's passion?
6) What new cycles are beginning for me?
Taurus Season Spread
1) How can I keep my energy steady & stable
2) Where do I need to show up and put in the hard work needed.
3) Where do you I to take the bull by the horns?
4) Where do I need to loosen my grip on the reins?
5) How can I make myself comfortable in the material world?
New Moon in Aries
Aries is by its very birth the owner of the exceptionally strong power of will and endless sources of energy. This natural-born winner will outperform just about anyone in the zodiac, no matter the area of life in question. The new moon in Aries marks the start of a new and exciting cycle.
1) Where have I been too impulsive?
2) Where have I been too demanding?
3) How has my temper affected others?
4) How can I better handle myself?
5) What can help me?
1) Balance - What do I need to balance or what needs balance in my life.
2) Growth - What do I need to grow, where do I need to spend my time & energy
3) Regeneration - What is coming back to me soon
4) Fertility - What energies are in abundance around me right now?
5) Light - What do I need to release in order to make space for new growth?
The Trend
1) What you already know?
2) What are you good at?
3) What is still new
4) What you will learn
Full Moon in Virgo
1) The biggest stumbling block, to pursuing my heart's work.
2) The energy I need to embody to overcome this block.
3) The immediate step I can take toward my dream
4) What will keep me motivated to pursue my goals?
5) The moon wants you to know.
Year of The Ox
🧧 新年快樂!Happy Lunar New Year!
1) What does the year of the Ox hold for me?
2) In what way do I influence others?
3) What is the best direction for me to steer others
4) What Ox like strengths do I have?
5) What areas of my life do I need to work on the most?
New Moon in Aquarius
1) Current Energy -
2) What success means (shadow) -
3) What success really is (light) -
4) Shed this old light -
5) A new meaning -
6) The ancestors are saying -
7) The Moon says -
Full Moon in Leo
1) What is my great inner strength?
2) How can I step into my own power?
3) What trait can be more celebrated in my life?
4) Where can I take bigger risks?
Trust Your Gut
1) Describe my feeling toward today's ceremony.
2) Describe how accurate my perception of this situation.
3) How I can better understand the current atmosphere?
4) Why I need to trust my gut?
5) Something I need to do to move forward and look to the future.
Finding Balance
Temperance - Challenges you to find balance when it comes to energy in your life.
1) Where do I need to focus more of my energy?
2) Where am I focusing too much of my energy?
3) How can I find more balance in my life?
Love/ Relationship Spread
1) The current position of your love & relationship
2) Why it is necessary for you to let go and move forward in regard to an old love
3) How will you fare in the short term (0-3 months)
4) How will you fare in the longer term (4-12 months)
5) How will you love in your life?
6) What needs to be done to be ready to maintain that love?
Standing In Your Power
1) Why I often don't stand in my power?
2) What I'm scared of about channeling my power?
3) A way that can stand in for my power.
4) What I could accomplish if I stand in my power?
5) Something I should be more confident in when it comes to my power.
6) How I can be more confident that the universe has my back?
Mirror Mirror On The Wall
1) Card that best represents me at the present moment
2) Why this card best represents me?
3) What I'm avoiding acknowledgment of right now?
4) What can I do to embrace who I am in this moment?
5) Where life is leading me right now?
1) How I see myself?
2) Why don't I prioritize my own needs?
3) What do I think self care means for me?
4) What does it actually mean?
5) What does my mind need to feel whole, energized & balanced?
6) What does my body need to feel whole, energized & balanced?
7) What needs am I neglecting?
8) What can I focus on to begin learning to be compassionate w/ myself?
Vision Board 2021
1) What is the overriding theme of my vision board?
2) What are my wildest dreams?
3) What types of images resonate w/ me?
4) Can I let go emotionally & mentally in my selection process?
5) Where do I want to travel?
6) How do I want to make a difference?
7) What do I want to make a difference?
8) What tiny adjustment can I make to manifest this vision board?
9) What happens when I take action on my dream?
Full Moon In Cancer
1) Emotional State
2) Need to Nurture
3) Shed Some Light
4) Dispel
5) Challenge
2020 Reflection
1) What were your achievements in 2020
2) What were your challenges in 2020
3) How have your grown in 2020?
4) What have you learned in 2020?
5) Three words to describe your 2020?
6) Three words to leave in 2020?
7) What parts on 2020 to bring into 2021
8) New seeds & opportunities should be planted and waiting to grow in 2021.
New Moon in Sagittarius
1) The path to joy
2) The fire of creation
3) A reminder to rest
4) Message from The Moon
Solar Eclipse Layout
1) What deep patterns or shadows are disrupted by the energy of this Eclipse?
2) What actions or thoughts can support me in bringing them to the light & releasing them?
3) What new path is revealed in this New Moon energy?
Manage Holiday Stress Spread
1) What is my number one priority?
2) How can I make sure I'm not doing too much?
3) How can I not overextend myself?
4) How can I not overindulge myself?
5) How can I get along better with my family?
6) What makes gift shopping fun?
7) What can I treat myself to?
8) How can I stay focused & centered
9) What is my unexpected holiday surprise?
Qualities of Jupiter Spread
Pull the Wheel of Fortune before you cast the spread.
1) Good Fortune: What is my fortune?
2) Good Health: What keeps me healthy?
3) Faith: What do I have faith in?
4) Loyalty: Who is loyal to me?
5) Justice: How do I fair?
6) Confidence: What boosts my confidence?
7) Wisdom: What gives me wisdom?
8) Philosophy: What is my philosophy?
Month Ahead Spread - 12/2020
1) Theme of Month
2) Avoid It
3) Embrace This
4) Evaluate This
5) Let go of This
6) Grow This
7) Action To Take
8) Goal for This Month
World AIDS Day
1) Act Up - How are I remember those who fought for awareness & those who loved ones & friends?
2) Fight Back - How do I continue this work knowing there is still work to do?
3) End AIDs - Have I been tested or asked my partner(s) to be tested recently for HIV?
Emperor Spread
1) What is the stability I have created?
2) How am I headstrong?
3) What is eternal?
4) Where can I exercise power ?
5) How do I connect w/ spirit?
6) How do I remain emotionally?
7) What do I leave behind?
8) How am I responsible?
Dream Job Spread
1) What would it look like?
2) What would you be doing everyday?
3) What would be your role?
4) What would you gain?
Wisdom of Cups Spread
1) Love - Whom do I love?
2) Feeling - Who has feeling for me?
3) Relationship - What is my important relationship?
4) Connections - Whom do I share a deep connection with?
5) Creativity - How can I use my creativity?
6) Expression - What music I express right now?
7) Emotions - How do I feel?
Sagittarius Spread
1) Card that best describes me currently
2) How my energy affects those around me?
3) How I can be more patient w/ others
4) Something I'm avoiding dealing with
5) How I can begin to deal with this (card 4)
6) Card to describe my next adventure
Conversation w/ Art & Places
1) What wisdom do you offer me?
2) How does your energy fuel me?
3) What secret can you whisper to me?
4) How do I integrate this knowledge into my life?
5) Why is this place important?
6) What do I need to know?
Hekate’s Shamanic Spread
Lower World (essence of the natural world)
1. What do I need to detach from?
2. What spirit should I connect with?
3. What message does my power/totem
animal have for me?
Middle World (reality as we know it)
4. What possibility exists that
I don’t see at the moment?
5. What is the biggest concern
in my material world?
Upper World (spiritual guidance,
wisdom, and true nature)
6. What is the best way to fulfill
my destiny?
7. What is my purpose?
8. How do I unite w/ the Divine?
The Hermit
1) Represents the burden you carry.
2) Represents what supports & grounds you.
3) Represents what makes you feel vulnerable.
4) Represents shining light on your past.
New Moon In Scorpio
Death - What do I need to be self-aware of?
1) What is the mask I am wearing?
2) Where have my motives been selfish
3) What have I been too possessive about?
4) Why do I desire control?
Civic Duty
1) Do I understand how government works?
2) What do I think about political culture?
3) Can I participate in community service?
4) How do I advocate for those who need help?
5) How do I make my community a better place?
6) How can I improve the quality of life at a grassroots level?
7) What can I do for my community right now?
Finding Your Voice
1) Who am I?
2) Why am I here?
3) What do I love?
4) What do I dislike?
5) What do I repress about myself?
6) How can I stop repressing it ?
7) How can I reconnect w/ myself ?
8) What must be expressed?
9) What do I need to do?
Scorpio Season
1) Where I stand right now?
2) What is something I need to let go of?
3) How do I begin to let go?
4) How do I begin to trust others again?
5) What way I can deepen my intimacy w/ others
6) Something new to explore that I will be passionate about.
Coping w/ Burnout & Fatigue
1) What is at the core of my fatigue
2) How to best replenish my energy
3) Action I can take to prevent future burnout
4) Emotion I can tap into to reduce stress
5) Something I can do to feel inspired
Love Life Thermometer
1) Your love life
2) Something to make note of
3) General Advice
4) What's going on right now?
5) What's gonna happen next?
Sun, Moon & Stars
1) Sun - represents the outward appearance or manifestation of the situation; how the world sees it, the action that it causes
2) Moon - represents the inward manifestation of the situation, how it makes you feel, the effect it has on you as a person.
3) Stars - represents the way you can make the situation work for you.
Daily Airy Spread
1) Something I need to think logically about today?
2) Why thinking about this is important?
3) How thinking about this will help me?
4) How I can communicate effectively today?
5) How I can go w/ the flow today?
Mercury Retrograde
1) What should I be letting go of during this cycle?
2) What perspective do I need to change?
3) What old wounds are ready to be transformed?
Depression & Anxiety
1) Circumstance
2) Cause of the depression & anxiety
3) Who can I ask for help
4-6) Steps to overcome the issue at hand
4-6) Next steps to overcome the issue at hand
Stress Reduction
1) The root of my current stress
2) Healthy way to cope w/ this stress
3) Important lesson I'm learning
4) Something I'm not seeing clearly
5) How to avoid this problem in the future
Manifest Your Best-Self
1) Current State
2) Blocks
3) Overcome Blocks
4) New Energy
5) Step 1
6) Step 2
7) Best Self
Deity Spread
1) God/Goddess that wants to contact you.
2) What do they think of you?
3) The benefits of your relationship with this deity.
4) A trait of your character that you like.
5) A trait of my character that the deity likes.
Clarity Spread
1) What do you need to know?
2) What you need to embrace?
3) What you need to release?
4) What's next?
Hail Hekate Spread
1) What you need to face & acknowledge
2) What important lesson you need to learn
3) The key to your happiness
4) What needs to end in your life?
5) What will be reborn in your life
6) Final message from Hekate
What I learned this month?
1) Where I've come from?
2) Where I'm going?
3) What I should implement?
4) What I should discard?
5) What I should embrace?
6) General outlook from September?
Full Moon In Aries
1) What area of my life needs my energy right now?
2) What is my biggest challenge at this time?
3) In which area do I need to be less impulsive
4) How can I lighten up & have more fun?
5) How can I make best use of passionate energy?
My Feelings
1) Feels I have
2) Feels I'm ignoring
3) Feels I need to embrace
4) Feels I should feel more often
5) Feels I should share w/ others
Carpe Diem
Seize The Day
1) Energy supporting you
2) Energy working against you
3) Your Creative Aspect
4) Your Manifesting Aspect
5) Your Spiritual Aspect
Resilience Spread
1) How I can channel my resilience?
2) How I can accept what is & surrender?
3) How I can manifest my strength?
4) Something I have yet to understand myself.
Balance Spread
1) Where am I not putting enough energy?
2) Where am I putting too much energy?
3) How do I create balance?
Major Arcana
Using only the Major Arcana
1) As you are now?
2) An obstacle you face?
3) An action to take?
Qualities of Libra Spread
Libra is ruled by Venus, pink is the primary color, they lucky day is Friday, and the best locations for success are social activities. Libra rules the 7th house governing marriage, partnership, and relationships.
1) Card the best describes me currently
2) What is lacking balance in my life right now?
3) What is lacking balance in life lfe right now? part 2
4) How do I better balance those two options?
5) How I can begin to be more vulnerable w/ others?
6) Who loves me romantically?
Mabon Delicate Balance Spread
Mabon falls on this day coinciding w/ the Autumn Equinox when both day & night are equal.
1) What do I take from the Earth?
2) What do I give to the Earth?
3) How can I honor the Earth?
4) What do I take from my relationship?
5) What do I give to my relationship?
6) How can I honor us in this relationship?
7) What do I take from myself?
8) What do I give back to myself?
9) How can I honor myself?
Justice - I Dissent
In honor of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
1) What is light?
2) What is heavy?
3) What is true?
4) What is known?
5) What is felt?
6) What is fear?
Daily Energy Tarot
1) A card to represent the energy of the day.
2) What should I focus on today?
3) What should I avoid today?
New Moon In Virgo
New Moon in Virgo 09/16/2020 to 09/18/2020 - The Virgo new moon calls us back to a deliberate mind that has its eye on the details.
This new moon won’t let us off the hook either. With Mars at the same exact degree as Saturn, we will all feel a twinge of caution in the air. The message here is to slow down and get super focused before making any rash decisions. Patience and reflection are called for, and you should ask deep questions before making choices to make sure you are fully aligned with what you are choosing. Becoming completely certain prior to a proceeding is a great focus of this new moon.
As with all new moons, today is a great day to set intentions because anything initiated between now and the next full moon will set the tone for what’s to come.
Signifier - The Hermit
1) Where am I too critical of others?
2) Where I am too hard on myself?
3) How can I learn to heal?
4) What big picture am I missing?
Healing A Relationship
1) Their Feelings
2) Your Feelings
3) Near Future
4) Distant Future
Three Card Insight
1) Embrace
2) Accept
3) Release
Clarity Questions
- How does this apply to my situation?
- How can I work w/ this energy?
- Where can I find assistance w/ this?
Mars Retrograde 2020
Mars Retrograde 2020 - There's a Mars Retrograde as if 2020 wasn't stressful enough, that means its time to put your sex life & professional life on high alert. This year retrograde occurs in Aries from September 9th to November 13th.
1) What will slow down?
2) What will turn chaotic?
3) What aspect from the past will resurface?
4) What new fresh strategy can I use to heal it?
5) What area of my life needs decisive & authentic action now?
6) How can I better navigate this intense period?
Wisdom of Wands Spread
1) Movement - Where am I going?
2) Action - What should I be doing?
3) Initiative - What stand should I take?
4) Personality - What is the highlight of my personality?
5) Ambition - What do I want?
6) Spirit - What is my highest good?
7) Determination - Why will nothing stop me?
8) Expression - What needs to be expressed?
Full Moon in Pisces
1) What intuitive or psychic gift of being illuminated this full moon?
2) What is currently blocking this gift?
3) How can I tap into this gift?
4) How can I use this gift to better align w/ my highest?
5) How can I use this gift for the higher good for all?
6) Message from my intuition that I need to hear right now?
Moon Card Spred
1) Dual Towers - What false towers have I built?
2) Dog - What is the loyal responsible thing to do?
3) Wolf - What is my primal urge screaming for?
4) Moon - What does intuitive clarity tell me?
5) Sun - What harsh reality exists?
6) Pool - What does my subconscious min contain?
7) Crawfish - What is emerging from the depths of my soul?
8) Path - Where will this new illumination lead me?
Virgo Tarot Spread
Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details and their deep sense of humanity makes them one of the most careful signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance, and although they are often tender, their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid, true, or even relevant when opposed to reason. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time.
1) The card that best describes me currently?
2) How I can improve my ability to "go with the flow"
3) Why I should begin to ask others for help.
4) Why I sometimes feel misunderstood by others
5) How I can start to see the perfect in my imperfect self?
6) A new healthy habit I should explore
Imprisonment Spread
Cast the cards like window bars in a dark prison cell begging to be broken
1) What holds me captive?
2) What drains my happiness?
3) What do I wish I didn't know?
4) How am I my own worst enemy?
5) What do I fear most?
6) What is worse than death?
7) What do I make my escape?
8) What lesson do I bring with me?
9) What lies on the outside?
New Moon In Leo
The feisty New Moon in Leo means it a good time to purge.
1) What do I need to purge in my life?
2) What is draining my energy?
3) Where do I need to spark play into my life?
4) What relationship need examining?
5) Where do I need to speak my truth?
This spread can show you your strengths, in general or in a specific situation.
1 & 2 - What are my strengths
3 & 4 - What are my weaknesses
5 - How can I use my strengths to eliminate or mitigate my weakness
6 - How can I strengthen my strength?
Chalchiuhtlicue Regeneration
Chalchiuhtlicue is the Aztec goddess of water, rivers, seas, storms, and tempests. This goddess of youthful beauty and ardor was associated with any day of the Aztec calendar containing the number 3.
1) What needs to be washed away?
2) How do I let it go?
3) Why do I grasp and cling tightly to it?
4) What fills its place?
5) How can I rejuvenate myself?
6) What action must I take?
7) What is the result?
Full Moon in Aquarius
The Star
1) What quirks can I embrace?
2) How can I be more expressive?
3) What is my ideal world?
4) How can I inspire others?
Money Reflection
1) What is my current relationship with money?
2) What are my limiting beliefs around money?
3) What is my greatest money potential?
4) What do I appreciate about money?
5) What is my next step to raise my vibration & achieve my greatest potential?
Lughnasadh Spread
1) What seeds have I been sewing lately?
2) What is ripe & abundant in my life right now?
3) What needs more time to grow and fully ripen
4) What can I do to nurture further growth
5) How can I best share my abundance w/ others
6) Which skill do I need to develop next?
Leo Seaon Spread
1) Card the best describes me currently
2) How I can improve my communication skills
3) Why I am afraid to show others "my true" self
4) How I can begin to accept my flaws/ imperfections
5) Something about me that I don't fully recognize
6) A way I can practice self-love & treat myself
New Moon In Cancer
This New Moon is a good time to foster positive relationships in the home & broader community
1) How can I bring more balance to my home?
2) What old family beliefs need to be healed
3) What old family patterns need to be re-evaluated?
4) How can I be more impactful community members?
Mercury Direct
1) Where was I headed before Mercury Rx?
2) Where did I get off track?
3) Where am I headed now?
4) Advice for moving forward
5) Outcome of Transit
Monday Spread
1) What's to be cared for?
2) What needs a little cleansing?
3) Where could you look for inspiration?
4) Advice from this Moon Phase?
Sunday Spread
1) Where can I find peace today?
2) What small victory can I set in motion?
3) How can I be creative?
4) Something to hope for?
Leather Pride
The leather pride flag is a symbol used by the leather subculture since the 1990s. It was designed by Tony DeBlase in 1989, and was quickly embraced by the gay leather community. It has since become associated with leather in general and also with related groups such as the BDSM community.
1) Red Heart - Love of leather folx & for community
2) White - Purity & Innocence
3) Black - Leather & Permanence
4) Blue - Devotion, Loyalty & Community
Saturday Spread
1) What is hurting me that needs to go?
2) What needs a good cleaning out?
3) What have I lost & must regain?
4) Matter for the meditative mind?
Friday Spread
1) Where can I find beauty today?
2) How can I spice things up a bit today?
3) How can I bring harmony into my life & home today?
4) Nurture & care for this today
Black & Brown Queer Lives Matter
Black & Brown Queer Lives Matter Spread -
In June 2017, the city of Philadelphia adopted a revised version of the flag designed by the marketing firm Tierney that adds black and brown stripes to the top of the standard six-color flag, to draw attention to issues of people of color within the LGBTQ community.
1) Black - Diversity
2) Brown - Inclusion
3) Red - Life
4) Orange - Healing
5) Yellow - Sunlight
6) Green - Nature
7) Blue - Harmony
8) Purple - Spirit
Thursday Spread
1) Something to commit to
2) Something to improve your material well-being
3) Something to heal & cherish
4) Advice for a lucky day
Wednesday Spread
1) Communications situation to be addressed
2) Intellectual Topic of the Day
3) Divination Matter to work on
4) Advice for an extra boost
New Moon In Cancer
1) What is the new moon cycle bringing up for me?
2) What wants to emerge or grow during this cycle?
3) What do I need to release this new moon?
4) How can I focus my attention to bring my desires into reality?
5) My affirmation for this new cycle
Midsummer Spread
1) Your source of light
2) Reward yourself for this
3) Your divine masculine
4) Keys to Abundance
5) How to create future success?
Cancer Season Spread
1) A card that best describes me currently
2) A memory I need to let go of that is affecting me
3) Why I hold on to this memory?
4) How I can improve my ability to say "no" to others?
5) Why I should open up & be vulnerable w/ others?
6) A new way I should express myself creatively
Mercury Retrograde In Cancer
June 18th - July 12th.
Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles & such.
1) What is it time for me to value within myself?
2) How can this help me shine in the world?
3) Which of my needs is most important to focus on to support my path at this time?
Traffic Light Reading
Best for General & on a choice situation
1) Red Light (Stop)
2) Yellow Light (Maybe)
3) Green Light (Yes)
Gender Fluid Dysphoria Tarot -
Gender-fluid is a nonbinary gender identity that’s not fixed and is capable of changing over time.
1) Current state of my gender energy? It is more feminine or masculine (right now)
2) Dysphoria Triggers
3) Euphoria Triggers
4) Best way to avoid Dysphoria & Euphoria
Gilbert Baker Pride Spread
Gilbert Baker was an American artist, gay rights activist, and designer of the rainbow flag, a worldwide symbol of LGBTQ pride. His flag became widely associated with LGBT rights causes, a symbol of gay pride that has become ubiquitous in the decades since its debut.
1) Hot Pink - Sexuality
2) Red - Life
3) Orange - Healing
4) Yellow - Sunlight
5) Green - Nature
6) Light Blue - Magic
7) Blue - Serenity
8) Purple - Spirit
Full Moon Sagittarius
Strawberry 🍓 Moon on June 5th
1) What deserves more of my compassion?
2) What part of myself needs to expand?
3) Where should I direct my energy?
4) Is my true purpose for this cycle?
Temperance/Art - Balance, Contentment, Home, Management, Peace, Savings
The Month of June received its name from Juno, Goddess, and protector of women and marriage. This is where the custom of the June bride originates. This month has many flower festivals, weddings, rose parades, and dances. Midsummer night is a major international holiday for lovers, for diving the future, for making bonfires, and also jumping them for luck.
Bisexual/Pansexual Spread
1) Desire - A desire you wish to explore
2) Love - A love to feed
3) Reclaim - A criticism or attack to reclaim, make main & mak powerful
4) Challenge - A pattern to question or challenge
5) Unravel - A toxin to breakdown or dissolve
6) Make News - A generative project. Something stale to re-envision & re-create
Gemini Season Spread
1) Card that best describes me currently?
2) A way I typically miscommunicate w/ others?
3) How to deepen my connection w/ others?
4) How I can better understand my direction in life?
5) An energy to channel to improve my self confidence?
6) A new project/ hobby I should explore?
Empress Card Spread
1) Symbol of Venus: What do I love?
2) Wheat: How do I nurture others?
3) Waterfall: What emotion is flowing?
4) Zodiac Crown: Who am I?
5) Scepter: What power do I erect?
6) Throne: What stability do I maintain?
7) Hidden Pregnancy: What is being born?
8) Pomegranates: What fertile grounds await?
Speak w/ Ancestors Spread
1) Who am I speaking with?
2) What talent thrives in our family?
3) What is the overlying challenge or lesson of our family?
4) What is the legacy I hold?
5) What are your hopes for me?
6) How do I make the most of w/ I have inherited?
7) What must I do?
Chakra Spread
1) Root
2) Sacral
3) Solar
4) Heart
5) Throat
6) Third Eye
7) Crown
Protection Spread
1) Am I open to the influence of others?
2) What energy surrounds me?
3) Is there energy I must be aware of?
4) Who aids me?
5) What protection can I count on?
6) How can I ground myself?
7) What should I do to protect myself?
Mer-Folx Magic Spread
Mer Folx legends have existed in seafaring cultures since Ancient Greece. Some folklore states they can take human form and marry. Sensual, elusive, and more are qualities of some Mer People.
1) Elusiveness - How can I remain mysterious to the one I love?
2) Mystery - What mystery am I unraveling?
3) Allure - Which of my personal qualities is most alluring
4) Privacy - What must be kept under wraps?
5) Sensuality - How should I indulge my sensuality
6) Love - What do I love more than anything?
7) Untamed - What do I cling to that must run free in my life?
8) Tidal Wave - Where is the tide of my life bringing me?
9) Movement - Am I fighting the tide or moving with it.
The Trend Spread
1) What are you already know?
2) What you are good at?
3) This is still new.
4) What you will learn?