Hail & Welcome!


Justice VIII

Justice is the Tarot card of Law. In a reading, Justice will be a card meaning either human laws, universal laws, or both.

Whether you identify as LGBTQ+, Person of Color, Sex Worker and/or any other marginalized group.

We know that laws have been create to prevent us from living a true authentic lives.

Social Justice is the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

What is Tarot?

The tarot cards, when used as a divination tool, serve as windows into the human experience ? whether they reflect our spiritual side; our past, present and future paths; our own personal characteristics; or the varied individuals with whom we interact in our daily lives.

 The pictorial 78-card tarot deck is divided into two sections ? the Major Arcana (22 cards) and Minor Arcana (56 cards). The Major Arcana cards depict issues you might encounter on your path throughout life, and the Minor Arcana cards explain life situations and people you might meet during your day-to-day life. ?

Code of Ethics

As a professional Tarot reader I follow this Code of Ethics:

1. The purpose of my readings is to empower the client.

I don’t believe that we all live our lives on a fixed path. Although there are some aspects of our lives that we just can’t change, we can direct the path that our life takes by the decisions that we make. The Tarot is a powerful tool in this respect. The cards can show us things that we don’t know about ourselves, or things that we know but don’t want to see. The cards can help us to understand ourselves, they are a mirror that can help us see what we really want and what will really make us happy, and how to make that happen. The Tarot can help to free you from limiting patterns of behaviour. The Tarot can show you what your future may be like as a result of your decisions and your current actions and attitudes, not because we are bound by fate. If you are seeking a purely predictive Tarot reading, you may wish to contact a different style of reader.

2. I will read the cards to the best of my ability, I will conduct the reading with honesty and openness, and if I cannot interpret the cards clearly I will tell you that.

3. I will keep everything a client tells me and everything that is revealed in a reading confidential, unless the situation is possibly life-threatening.

4. My readings are non-judgmental, and I welcome clients of all cultures, religions, spiritual paths, sexual orientations and gender identity.

5. I will not do a reading to see what someone other than my client is doing or feeling, nor will I do a reading for anyone under 18 years old without the permission of a parent or guardian.

6. I will strive to give my client positive direction and guidance, to help them to find practical and empowering courses of action.

7. I will not give advice in areas for which I am not qualified. If the client needs a physician, psychologist, lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or any other professional service for which I am not qualified, I will encourage them to seek such service from someone who is qualified in that area.

8. I will constantly strive to improve my Tarot reading skills, and to always be learning and growing.

9. My intention when doing a reading is to serve the best interests of the client and all concerned without causing harm or wishing to deceive.

10. I reserve the right to refuse to do a reading for a question that I feel I cannot answer, or one that goes against my code of ethics.

Liability Disclaimer

Queer Justice Tarot makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the information, content, materials, or services offered by their Tarot readers. By booking w/ Queer Justice Tarot’s services, you explicitly acknowledge that all Tarot readings and advice arising therefrom are provided and intended for the sole purpose of entertainment.

“If I wait for someone else to validate my existence, it will mean that I’m shortchanging myself.”

– Zanele Muholi